▼Nanonymous_namespace{} | |
CFile | The structure representing MysoreScript File objects |
▼NAST | |
CAdd | Add expression |
CArgList | Argument list for a call expression |
CAssignment | Assignment statements, setting the value of a variable |
CBinOp | Template superclass for binary operators |
CBinOpBase | Abstract superclass for binary operators |
CCall | A call expression |
CClassDecl | A class declaration |
CClosureDecl | A closure declaration |
CCmpEq | Equality comparison |
CCmpGE | Greater-than-or-equal-to comparison |
CCmpGt | Greater-than comparison |
CCmpLE | Less-than-or-equal-to comparison |
CCmpLt | Less-than comparison |
CCmpNe | Non-equality comparison |
CComparison | Superclass for comparison operations |
CDecl | A variable declaration |
CDivide | Divide operation |
CExpression | Abstract superclass for expressions (statements that evaluate to something) |
CIdentifier | Any identifier in the source |
CIfStatement | If statement |
CMultiply | Multiply operation |
CNewExpr | A new expression, which constructs a new instance of a class |
CNumber | A number literal |
CParamList | A parameter list for a closure declaration |
CReturn | Return statement |
CStatement | The abstract superclass for all statements |
CStatements | Block of statements |
CStringLiteral | A string literal |
CSubtract | Subtract expression |
CVarRef | Reference to a variable |
CWhileLoop | A while loop |
▼NCompiler | |
CContext | The compiler context |
▼NInterpreter | |
CContext | |
CValue | Value wraps an object pointer |
▼NMysoreScript | |
CArray | The layout of the primitive Array class in MysoreScript |
CClass | Struct holding metadata about a class |
CClosure | The layout of all closures in MysoreScript |
CMethod | Methods in a class's method list |
CObject | A generic MysoreScript object |
CString | The primitive String class in MysoreScript |
▼NParser | |
CMysoreScriptGrammar | Grammar for the MysoreScript language |
CMysoreScriptParser | Class representing a parser for the MysoreScript language |